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Education Technology

Enabled Education Experience In A Pleasant Way

Xapiens Teknologi Indonesia provides you with the education technology solution with AvePoint Edutech. As the leverage from Microsoft 365, this tool can create seamless and engaging learning experiences with an easy-to-understand. Get various advantages for learners and your business with future learning thinking. Not only capable to offer a mission-critical solution, but this learning management system will also often empowers you in the learning process.

Why Xapiens now and next

1. Experienced

We have built Xapiens more than a decade of experience supporting major companies’ operations throughout Indonesia.

2. Our client’s number #1

We are always ready when you need us. from call center and service desk at any time.

3. Fast and Agile

Speed is the currency. We work fast and efficiently.

4. Solve the right problem

Solving the right problem together with the benefits of technology.

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